Graston and SASTM (sound assisted soft tissue mobilization) are patented forms of instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization. Instruments are used to detect and break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions. Scar tissue develops as a result of surgery, immobilization, trauma, repetitive trauma, among other causes. These methods can be used to treat both acute and chronic conditions that lead to pain, reduced range of motion, and decreased strength. These methods work by inducing controlled microtrauma to the tissue as the scar tissue is broken down. This then creates a local inflammatory process that stimulates the healing process. Once the adhesions are broken down function of the involved tissue returns.
Other Treatments:
EPAT (Extracorporal Pulse Activation Technology):
A form of extracorporal shockwave therapy to treat muscle, tendon, and myofascial restrictions. Utilizes acoustic pressure waves to accelerate healing, restore mobility, decrease pain, and improve blood flow.
PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy):
Our electrons plus machine stimulates healing at the cellular level. Our body is like a battery and cells carry voltage. Our cells battery system can decrease with age, injury, and illness. PEMF helps to restore a healthy balance within the body. PEMF has been shown to reduce pain, stimulate bone growth, decrease swelling, and improve muscle and tissue health.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM):
FSM work similarly to PEMF. A mild electrical current is used over the area of damaged soft tissue to accelerate healing and reduce pain. Different frequencies are used to reduce inflammation, repair tissue and decrease pain. These frequencies help to improve the natural healing of the body and frequencies are specific to different tissue types. FSM has been shown to improve ATP production by as much as 500% in damaged tissue. This may help to improve recovery.
Winback: Tecar Therapy
Utilizes high frequency current to decrease pain, improve mobility and promote cell regeneration. Provides a faster recovery for athletes so they can return to their sport more quickly.
Therapeutic Exercise:
Strength and mobility rehab exercises
Foam Rolling
Sports Recovery Services:
Call to schedule a 30 minute session on one of our modalities (FSM or PEMF) to aid recovery
Pricing: $75/30 minute
EPAT (Extracorporal Pulse Activation Technology):
A form of extracorporal shockwave therapy to treat muscle, tendon, and myofascial restrictions. Utilizes acoustic pressure waves to accelerate healing, restore mobility, decrease pain, and improve blood flow.
PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy):
Our electrons plus machine stimulates healing at the cellular level. Our body is like a battery and cells carry voltage. Our cells battery system can decrease with age, injury, and illness. PEMF helps to restore a healthy balance within the body. PEMF has been shown to reduce pain, stimulate bone growth, decrease swelling, and improve muscle and tissue health.
Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM):
FSM work similarly to PEMF. A mild electrical current is used over the area of damaged soft tissue to accelerate healing and reduce pain. Different frequencies are used to reduce inflammation, repair tissue and decrease pain. These frequencies help to improve the natural healing of the body and frequencies are specific to different tissue types. FSM has been shown to improve ATP production by as much as 500% in damaged tissue. This may help to improve recovery.
Winback: Tecar Therapy
Utilizes high frequency current to decrease pain, improve mobility and promote cell regeneration. Provides a faster recovery for athletes so they can return to their sport more quickly.
Therapeutic Exercise:
Strength and mobility rehab exercises
Foam Rolling
Sports Recovery Services:
Call to schedule a 30 minute session on one of our modalities (FSM or PEMF) to aid recovery
Pricing: $75/30 minute